October 14, 2008

random dinner~

I came home around 4.30, not very hungry but as I didn't have oatmeal this morning, I craved it! So, I used last night soaked 1/3 cup oatmeal plus 1/2 large banana and vanilla to make a delicious bowl of oatmeal. I topped with some coconut flakes and wheatberry. YUMMMMMMM!

I studied for another 3 hours! I didn't have much appetite for dinner. Well, I put some vegetarian chili on stove, a handful of spinach, last 1/4 cup of wheat berry and some leftover mushroom festival. On the side, I had my last 1/8 baked squash and some cherry tomatoes. Nothing attractive, but at least it's nutritious.
Dessert was fage and blueberries. (My stomach always has room for fage)

I got FITNESS and SELF today, can't wait to read them!


Meg said...

Two of my favorite magazines!

Love the steam in the pic!

Elizabeth said...

How did you combine the banana into the oatmeal exactly? It looks so nice and thick!

Balance, Joy and Delicias! said...

Juliet, I slice them and put them together with oatmeal on the stove, simmer it about 5 min and stir occasionally. I don't even use milk and it stills gets very creamy.

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