The professor who I'm working with since 5 months ago is a very respectful and well known researcher in our field (top 15 economists in the world). So when she offered me to work with her on a paper I was the happiest student ever. Unfortunately being famous involves a lot of thing, she's extremely busy on conferences, interviews, newspapers articles, etc. As consequence, I hardly can find her to talk about our paper. I insist with emails and calls. Every time I try to find her, I get stressed out. I called her last week and she asked me to call her back on Monday morning, so I did. But when I called her, she asked me again to call her in 10 min, but when I called her back, nobody answer the phone anymore. I felt terrible!!!!! my stress level has reached its peak since I began to work with her. I couldn't contain my emotions and I began to cry badly. I've put so much effort for this project, I've tried my best to do everything fast and well. But the result doesn't depend on me alone, I need her help but she's so busy. I know that she likes me and she wants to work with me, otherwise she wouldn't have offered me at the first place. But she's always so busy and my project will never be her priority 1.
I really don't know what to do.... because I'm in a point of my research that I can't move further alone and I can't wait much longer either. The semester is ending and I haven't written any single paper yet.. oh....what am I going to do?
What do you guys do when you feel desperate, impotent and totally stressed out?
okay back to eats. I'll just post photos today, I'm really not in mood in writing more details about it.
Duration: 52 min
Average Heart Rate: 139
Maximum: 161
Calories burned: 305
And the last thing, today's my bf's birthday. Unfortunately I can't celebrate it with him... I can just wish him Happy birthday by phone and here. So sad for him and for me!
Oh no!!! Hang in there with it all, girl!!!
When I'm stressed, I listen to music, stretch/do yoga, talk with out with my parents, read magazines... anything that I love doing that DOESN'T involve schoolwork.
Open your mind and take it easy....
Nothing is so important as your happiness. The stress and bad mood cann{t help you anything, So why not take it easy, it will helpful for your health and it will helpful for you to concentrate yourself to do otherthing which also important for you. It is reasonalbe your paper was not in high priority for your famous professor. She is so important, and she will be more important in this speical economy siutaiton moment. Surely she are more busy for other things, anyway you can continue your work with her after she be a little calm. She was crazy now too, As you mentioned she provide many article to newspaper, and she was giving consulting to many organization too. So you can begin to do some other works of yours, and put the work of her aside temporary, maybe a few months later, with more experience you will work better for the work with her. Nothing will be worse if you have made your best effort. you will finally get paid back......So take it easy, be happy, and pay attention on other thing you should do,,,,,it will be good for you.......have a good night, and wake up with a beter mood tomorrow.......then begin your other task with expectation.....
hang in there babe!!! i used to get stressed like that in college...i'd go for a workout if it got so bad...or i'd call my mom crying...LOL. keep your chin up!
Hey girl! It will all be ok! You've got a good head on your shoulders ... I'm sure you will get it all worked out! Is there another professor that might be able to assist you? Does the professor that offered to help have a secretary that keeps her calendar? You might be able to make an appointment??
I will send good vibes your way! :) Hang in there!
hang in there!!! It can only get better!
Happy Birthday to your boyfriend!
Sorry about the issues with your professor! I remember being frustrated with some of my professors! I hope it all works out for you soon!
take a deep breath, and follow theboyfriend's advice! advisors can be a tough thing to deal with, but focus on doing what you can, and it will get better
Aw- you didn't not deserve a day like this and I am so sorry! Your professor needs to get her Sh* together and work with you! Grrrr! I workout when I'm stressed. Exercise gives you Endorphins, Endorphins make you happy right? Happy birthday to the bf! Hang in there! Wow that pasta looks fab!
you will get through this tough time...I'm sure she's not meant to do so....
hope u have a better mood tomorrow
Give u a BIG HUG,
Happy birthday to your boyfriend :)
I didn't know you were in econ. I majored in Econ and Math at Cornell... maybe I've heard of your prof?
At least you have delicious food. You can do it!
Awww. My husband also got his PhD. and his adviser was also a disaster and really messed with his confidence (to this day -- don't tell him I said that). Just because someone is a great academic doesn't mean he/she is a great manager or teacher/leader. Just remember all of this stuff so you are way better and attentive to your students when the time comes so you can help make the world of academia an even better place!! That's what I used to tell him. :) I hope it helps a little.
I hope you feel better soon. We all get days like these and stress can be hard to bear.
When I'm down, I'll talk to God and exercise. In fact, I woke up this morning for a 7am yoga class because I needed to feel less stressed and think it worked. The instructor mentioned a few times during class to just 'let go' and I thought that line was very apt.
I have to learn to let go and not keep thinking about the issue. You will get over this. I pray that your professor will be able to free up her schedule for you. Hang in there!
Hang in there, sweetie!!! Things will work out!
Yummy eats! Your pasta looks especially delicious!
Arrggh to frustrating professors! Hope it starts going better soon.
I'm so sorry to hear about your day. It must be so frustrated to work on a project that you put your whole heart into it, but can't move further because it's not someone else's first priority. I can just imagine how stressful that must be. Hang in there and keep thinking positive!!!! I promise it will all work out :)
I agree with Veggie Girl; I like doing yoga when I'm stressed. I also like running REALLY fast to release all the tension I feel.
Happy Birthday to the boyfriend! I think our bf's have the same bday!
I hope you feel better! Stress is no good. Tell the moronic proffessor that you're brilliant, he's an idiot and he needs to buy your bf a ticket so you can celebrate together. :)
Btw, that pasta dish in the middle (under cherrios-type cereal) looks a-m-a-z-i-n-g.
I sniff lavender at work (a candle, actually) it helps me deal with drama and stress...
when i was in school I'd go see a movie, paint my toenails or go for a really long workout - it kept me sane and in a healthy balance.
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