Another rainy day.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr......I hate it! Look the
gray sky. I woke up good but when I saw how horrible was the day...I just can't cheer me up!

Breakfast combo
- 1/8 cup bulgur
- 1/4 oat bran
- 1/3 almond breeze vanilla
- 2/3 water (all above soaked last night)
- 1/2 large banana
- 1/4 cup cottage cheese
- 1/4 cup pumpkin
- 1 tbsp PB

I used to like this combo..but today I didn't enjoy it much.... maybe because I was in bad mood. I had a sliced apple right after because even my stomach was mind needed something more satisfying.

I tried to do something productive this morning.....but failed... I read and read but couldn't concentrate 100%, and I felt even worse!
Mid-morning I had a cup of powdered soy milk

and first marroc of the day

Lunch was noodle with frozen veggies and Tj's turkey meatball. That was yummy~~~ these meatballs are amazing!

Dessert 1: Fage with cinnamon
Dessert 2: Fage with 1/4 cup wheat berries.
Dessert 3: marroc!

I spent afternoon in campus attending lecture and holding office hour. Un-productivity continued. Went to a spin class and the instructor was 10 minutes late!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr....... can my day be worse????? Anyway, it was an unsatisfying workout (only 35min)! Instead of making me feeling better, I felt even worse.
When I came back home I was craving carbs, so I had 1 Tj's pumpkin seeds bread and 1 Ezekiel with laughing cow!

Obviously after these, my appetite for dinner was gone. But I still needed something comforting. I think the reason is that I was in bad mood, anxious and angry with myself all day I need something to heal my soul. After thinking 10 sec I decided to make a huge bowl of my favorite oatmeal for dinner: kabocha squash about 2 cups or more with 1/3 oats.

So creamy, so sweet! Love it!
Savanna is coming back for dinner, so I prepared her scrambled egg with tomatoes. Last time, some of you asked me recipe. So, here it goes.
2 beaten eggs with pinch of salt

heat the oil and pour the eggs and stir constantly to make the scrambled egg. Half way through, pour 1/2 canned diced tomatoes

Continue stirring for 1 or 2 minutes more. Add 1 tbsp of sugar

Stir 2 minutes more and voila

It took me 5-6 min to make it. Can't be more simple, right?
I also made a black fungus salad. Just hydrate it, S+P and red pepper flakes.

I just had my pum-oatmeal and some black fungus.
Dessert was more chocolate.
1 marroc

and 1 "Dos Corazones".

Today's quote: "Un castillo de ilusiones yo construi al verte, para nombrarte mi Reina y que tu... vivas en mi". (When I saw you I constructed a castle, to name you as my Queen, to live in me) So romantic!
okay. I'm going to bed early tonight to finish this awful day~~~~~ Hope you guys had a better day~
Hang in there!!! Tomorrow IS another day - and the weekend :-D
Love the quote!!
I hate rainy and cold weather! So I totally understand how it feels....Those meatballs with spaghetti look like something I would love to eat for dinner. Mmmmmm mmmmm...!!!! I love those fortune chocolates- I could eat those every single day! One per day!
I hate gray days...they make me so moody. I hope tomorrow is better for you. Your oats look fabulous.
ahhh that chocolate quote is fantastic!! beautiful :D
black fungus?!? is it good? well i guess it is if you're eating it but i've never seen that before
have a great night
college park doesn't have that much rain, dear:-)
so tomorrow will be better!
OMG the chocolates are all SOOO GOOD!!! I can see why you're obsessed with them :]
And I LOOOOVE tomatoes + eggs, but I have them with scallions and I use fresh tomatoes :]
Wow, I've never tried to turkey meatballs but next time I'm at trader joes I'm looking for them for sure! Are they in the frozen section?
Hope your day tomorrow is sunny- if only in attitude ;)
Well I think your breakfast bowl sounds deelish. Too bad you didn't enjoy it. I need to try bulgur one of these days. That and SQUASH in my oats. Well other than pumpkin of course, I've done THAT combo.
And wheatberries in yogurt. That's a great combo. I don't know why I haven't soaked any wheatberries in a while. They are sitting patiently in the cupboard waiting for me...
Rainy days are just terrible if you're not in a great mood to begin with. Hopefully you have a sunnier day tomorrow!
gray day but WONDERFUL eats!!! i want your food!!
I hope your Friday is better! At least you had some delicious chocolates to keep your mouth happy!! :)
hope your day brightens up---
the sun will come out tomorrow!
ahh! I love how you eat your oatmeal with chopsticks!! I eat and cook everything with chopsticks too (like pasta, for instance; I grew up in Tokyo)Hope the upcoming weekend makes you feel better!
In regards to the yoga question, last night I did the 60 minutes Power Vinyasa flow 1 with Dawnelle. I think it is worth downloading, because it's only a few dollars! (a dvd would cost like, $20) I have three downloads that I rotate around. I find that yoga doesn't get boring, because everyday, I can feel a change, a difference, an improvement, or a different stiffness. I really enjoy how different my practice feels each time, even though the sequence might be the same.
Email me if you have any Qs! Happy Friday!!!
rain stinks, i'm in the middle of a puddle, too! yummy food :)
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