Breakfast was baked banana oatmeal a la Kath, 1/3 cottage cheese and coffee! Perfect fuel for my yoga session.
Back home, I continued a little more with magazine organizing. When Savanna came back from the gym, we heated leftovers for lunch.
I had baked salmon and a mix of aduki rice with some frozen veggies. I seasoned it with S+P and gram marsala.
This afternoon I went to HELA to do a facial! it's a Swedish spa that I go when I need to comfort my soul. I get a good beauty session and a total relax.
After that, we went to both WH and Tj's for groceries. I got a whole wheat roll that I ate it right away while driving......
Dinner was another italian meal...... pasta with a veggie sauce. I used
- 1 medium onion
- 3 gloves of garlic
- 1 cup tomato sauce
- 1 cup frozen spinach
- 1 cup fresh mushroom
- 5-6 baby carrots
- 2 tbps nutrition yeast
- S+P
- dry basil
- 1 tbsp sugar
- a lot of Parmesan
We enjoyed every bite of yummy~~~~~ I think the nutritional yeast gave the cheese flavor to the sauce which made it so good!!!!!!
Perfect saturday~~~~~~~!
Hope everyone enjoyed the saturday!
Sunny weather + baked banana oatmeal + great new yoga classes + rice & vegetable dish + facial + romantic setting for dinner + Larabar products + film tonight = FANTASTIC SATURDAY!!!!!
Sounds like a fabulous day! I am so happy you got your bars! Dinner looks fantastic. I LOVE the Notebook. It makes me cry every time!
Sounds like a fantastic Saturday ... spa day, pasta AND The Notebook! Perfecto!!
the notebook makes me cry like a baby.. even single time
all of the food looks great! i want to find those bars somewhere...
have a great night!
great foods today!!!! and i'm so jealous of the bars!!! i'm sad i didn't post for that contest!!
I got my bars, too! Did you try one yet. I can't wait to see what everyone thinks.
Have a good rest of the weekend, lovely.
Whoa I've never seen those bars before!!! I need to go looking for them!!! The baked oatmeal looks sooo good :] I finally finished off my last HUUUGE pot of barley so I can't wait to eat my oatmeal again.. hehe... I got all the Bob's stuff online from his website :] I'll let you know if the stuff I got was yummy or not!!!
Wow, your day sounds completely gorgeous! Yoga and a facial in the same day?! Mmm.
Hi hi!
Re: the mush - I put the cooked wheat berries in a food processor with squash and kidney beans and blended. Then I added honey and cumin.
I love your blog title! Quite the day! :)
what a fulfilling day?! everything looks so yummy. you're glad to have found your fave yoga instructors...I found one, but she left. :( I haven't done yoga since, but am contemplating trying out a new yoga place nearby. oh, and the notebook - what a great book/movie. both made me cry...
:) D
oo how did you get those samples I've been wanting to try those bars but haven't seen them around?!
Lisa\'s Rant: I received them from larabar. I don't think they're on sale now.
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