This morning's combo was very interesting
- 1/2 cup old wessex (my new favorite)
- 1/2 banana
- 1 small apple chopped
- 1/4 silk
- pinch of salt (it's the magic touch, because somehow it makes the whole thing sweeter)
- 1/4 pumpkin
I worked from 7am - 12.30pm, very productive morning (not sleepy at all). Snack was the usual: trail mix and marroc

So, today's spin class was amazing, I sweat more than usual (because I'm more aware of how much effort I'm putting and when the instructor tell us to be in 80%, I could be in 80% and not have to guess). Here's my stat:
Duration: 45 min
Average Heart Rate: 144
Maximum: 202 (is it possible?)
Calories burned: 275
wooooooooo.......great workout, isn't it? I haven't done serious cardio work for almost 4 months now, I'm totally out of shape. I might go to the gym for a run tomorrow and check how I am.
On the way back home, I was thinking what to have at dinner. And my intuition told me that I need something warm, preferably spicy and with yellow/orange color. hahahha.......see how good communication I have with my intuition? I reminded me what I had in fridge and the recipe was created. First, the result
okay. It's not soup, its not chili, so I don't know how to name it. (can you help me with that?) but I do have the recipe:
- 1/2 medium onion
- 1 tbsp canola oil
- 2 cup chopped cauliflower
- 1/3 cup red lentils
- 1/3 cup pumpkin puree
- 1/3 cup diced tomatoes
- 1 tbsp cumin
- 1/2 tbsp curry powder
- S+P
- 1/2 tbsp sugar
Cook chopped onion with canola oil for 2-3 min until it gets the brown color. Add coliflower, lentils, tomatoes and 2-3 cups of water. Let it cook for about 20 min, stir pumpkin puree and seasonings.
It's really tasty even without stock as base. Just what I was craving.
I also had 3-4 pieces of Tj's grilled chicken and 1/2 baked acorn squash. satisfied with my dinner. I think when you want to eat something and you make it (instead of eating out) by youself, it really satisfy you in all sense!
A perfect dinner can't be perfect without desserts, right? So
Dessert 1: fage 0% with frozen strawberries.
Have everyone a good evening~~~~~~ mine is great! since I finished dinner and blogging so early today, I can have more time reading "Eat, Pray and Love". Have you guys read it? It's a easy reading, very funny and insightful.
Here's a question for you guys: how do you measure your cardio work performance? duration? maximum HR? average HR? I remember my favorite spin class teacher told me once that it's how fast you pump up your HR and how fast you can go back to your normal HR the measure of your cardio performance. Is it right?
And don't forget to suggest a name for my recipe ^_^
I'm an early bird too, haha :-D
Enjoy your night, girl!!
yup your teacher was right-- that's the definition of fitness:
i'm NOT an early bird. i haaaate the morning!
mmm i love barney butter!!
hope you have a great night!
Yes, like fitnessista said- your teacher is correct! Glad you are loving the heart rate monitor. Yes- I teach group fitness classes part time and love it! I teach turbo kick, body step, and use to teach a hip hop class ;)
seriously, i love all your food, every single day! i want you to be my cook!
LOVED the book "Eat, Pray, Love". I actually bought it. Elizabeth Gilbert is a fantastic writer!
i came across ur blog while browsing for vegetarian yummies and so far amazing! um.. i would suggest "Tiger Dish" for your dinner cuisine..don't know why just popped into my head, maybe cuz the colors are so bright and warm and seems a bit oriental as well..hmm.. oh well! :-)
I love that picture, you look gorgeous in it! And yummm, your food looks so nourishing and wonderful...
I love playing with my photo booth on my mac too! Your food looks fantastic.
mmmm your soup looks so good!
hope to keep in touch :)
i'd hate to go all "rachael ray" on you, but how bout choup- a mix between a chili and a soup. i only suggest that because i'm watching her show right now haha
btw, where do you buy your barney butter? i've been wanting to try it but i don't like ordering things online.
you can call your recipe stoup like rachel ray does! Its somewhere in between soup and stew :)
I invested in a good heart rate monitor (the kind that requires a strap around your heart and also a watch on your wrist) and it calculates everything for me -- even the estimate cals I burned. After my workout, it gives me a reading of all that I did -- and it even tells me when I'm not in my zone, over my zone, etc etc.
I highly recommend the investment!! I use a HRM by Polar.
Cheers for Barney Butter! I just tried it this weekend and it is phenomenal!!!!!
How I measure my cardio workouts; I've never used a heart rate monitor or any device for that matter. I workout more to feel good, not burn a certain number of calories, or attain a certain heart rate. I go by how happy I feel running, how much I'm enjoying it, how my shins feel, and how my lungs feel. I don't even know how long or how far I run. I just run to run. It's a great feeling!!!!
Happy Friday Coco, hope you have a fantastic weekend coming up :)
What are corn noodles?
Sweet teeth: thanks for the name, great idea!!! I think it's so perfect for my dish!
Joanna, lisasrant: I like your new words choup and stoup... I'll adopt them since I like to make soupy chili and soupy stew. So depending if I put beans or not, I'll use either of them Thanks a lot!
biz319: corn noodles is just noodles made with corn meal instead of wheat. I bought it from asian store. It taste similar to other noodles but has more fiber in it.
jaja, very interesting photo.
And finally you eat some meat.
the noodle looks delicious.
Whatever you want to call it...your dinner looks delicious!
Isn't Barney Butter delicious!?
Meg: BB is delicious~~~~~~~~~ much much more than I thought. I'm glad that it's so good because it's really expensive. ^_^
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