I spent seven hours today in campus attending seminars and lectures. So so so unproductive!!!
I woke up pretty good this morning after 8 hours of good sleep, I was ready to have a productive research day. But unfortunately it turned out the other way around. Well, first breakfast! it was a yummy tropical flavor oatmeal
- 1/3 cup oats
- 1 large banana
- 1/3 cup frozen pineapple
- 1/3 water
- 1/3 almond breeze vanilla
- 1 tbsp flax meal
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp coconut flakes
- 1 tbsp raisin

it was really really good~~~~~ the extra banana made it so sweet and the pineapple gave it the appropriate citrus taste!

This morning, I tried to read some papers related to one topic that I'm trying to model. Unfortunately none of them was useful and didn't inspire me either. I got lost and frustrated. I know that this is normal doing research, but still got really upset.
mid-morning snack was 1/4 cup cottage cheese with 1/4 cup wheat berries.

I had to leave home at 12pm, so I had a quick light lunch. Leftover lentil soup with 1/4 cup wheat berries, some Parmesan cheese along which a big slide of Tj's pumpkin seeds bread with laughing cow.

As I was going to spend all afternoon in campus, I packed snack. 1 apple with cinnamon and two jamflakas. (peanut butter and apple crips flavors)

I had them during 4pm seminar. I think the problem with jamflakas is that they don't taste as the flavor says. The PB was okay, although too sweet and the apple crip was bad (sorry Larabar's people), I couldn't finish it. I am not sure why they didn't convince me. Something interesting, special or unique flavor/taste is missing.
I got back home almost at 8pm, starving!!! So, dinner must be simple! I managed to assemble the dinner in 15 min. Steamed corn+ grilled marinated tofu (I marinated with BBQ sauce and miso last night. I was planning to bake them, but had no time, so I grilled them with some canola oil instead) + chinese spinach salad (boiled them and seasoned with salt, sugar and sesame oil) + leftover aduki rice & pumpkin.

I've had better dinner....but considering my starving stomach and short time constraint, I was okay.
Dessert was whole cup of Fage 2% with frozen strawberries. After that, I felt full and satisfied.

And while I'm writing this, just had a marroc. (pictured with Photo Booth)
Today's reflexion: I really need to overcome my research plateau, otherwise I'm going to stress out badly!
Hooray for a great night's sleep and scrumptious meals!!
I haven't heard ONE favorable review of those Jamafrakas bars. Here's to regular Larabars being worth it!! :-D
Good luck with your research!!!
I really need to try that adzuki rice and pumpkin mixture.
I agree that the apple one was my least favorite. I have heard people either totally liking or disliking the bars.
Wow, your fage 2% looks like ice cream! ¡que delicioso!
love the forzen pineapple idea - so tropical
100% with you on the PB and apple bars. the banana one wasn't that bad though.
I've tagged you! You're it!!
Find out more here - http://runningwithfood.wordpress.com/2008/11/11/tag-youre-it/
Have a great night!
glad you had a good nights sleep!!!
and everything looks great! makes me want to eat again!
Hey, I understand that work can be frustrating. Don't stress and focus on the positive things in your life.
Wow that is quite a good looking dinner for only 15 minutes of prep!
I agree with Veggiegirl- all of the reviews on these jamafrakas bars are that they are not very good- what a let down!
I hope you get over your research hump! Good luck with all the work!
Hi Coco! I answered you on my blog but thought I would let you know here, too.
Re: couscous and pics
I buy couscous out of the bins at the local health food store or my “upscale” grocery store. I have also seen it in boxes in both places in the rice section but it is much cheaper out of the bins.
As for the photographs, I use the macro setting with no flash. You need plenty of light, sunlight being the best, and you also need a steady hand or a tripod.
What a busy day! Good luck with your research!! The tropical oatmeal sounds great!
do you eat a whole block of tofu? i hope you do because i do too!! i always feel like such a pig when i do that, but i mean, it IS tofu and it's really healthy. Plus, when i think about it, my family eats steak and salmon for dinner and it's probably around the same calories as a whole block of tofu anyways.
joanna: I'm not sure what do you mean by whole block. The package that I bought contained 4 blocks like that, and the whole package was about 1 pound. So, I guess it's not that big as you might have imagined. But as it was just part of my meal, it's big enough.
I haven't had wheatberries in ages! Must remember to buy some!
all of the meals look wonderful!
sorry to hear about the jamafrakas... i guess i'm glad now that i didn't get any ;)
hope you have a great day!
what do wheat berries taste like? I can't tell as they say both "wheat" and "berry" haha. sweet/savory/carby? Haha, sooo many possibilities! Hope the productivity bug catches ya ;)
jess: wheat berries don't have any special taste, but they're so chewy! So, adding them to either sweet or savory food are great!
Mmmm... the coconut looks so yummy!
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