Why should I limit sunday as the baking day? A midweek day dedicated to baking could be fun and relaxing, right? YEAH~~~ So I made Megan's gingerbread apple spice cupcakes. Actually mine turn out to be more like muffins than cupcakes. I followed closely the recipe, except I replaced molasses by honey and sugar. I added some soy milk as well since the barter was a little bit dry. And as these muffins are mainly for Savannah (since yesterday I finished all our ginger cookies), I topped them with pumpkin seeds (she's a pumpkin seed lover, I'm a pumpkin lover. Perfect couple, right?)
When they were in the oven baking, the flavor in my apartment is AMAZING!!!! It's a light and spongy muffin, full of flavors. You guys really should to make it. It's extremely simple and perfect for holiday season either for breakfast or snack.
I had half after it cools. (I realized that muffin's real texture can only be tasted once it is cool)
I'm glad to receive so many answers about what you'd like to know about China. Most of you guys are more interested on food (as I expected) because we're all foodies!!! ^_^ But other interesting things were pointed out. I'll summarize them here so I don't forget when I go to China:
When they were in the oven baking, the flavor in my apartment is AMAZING!!!! It's a light and spongy muffin, full of flavors. You guys really should to make it. It's extremely simple and perfect for holiday season either for breakfast or snack.
- FOOD (local food, how food is viewed, how people share food)
- sights
- "chinese" menu at McDonalds
- differences between rural China and the cities
Definitely all these requests will be conceded and much much MORE!!!!!
I and The Boyfriend are still planning which part of China we're going. Up to now we've decided to go Shanghai (my hometown and where all my family live, so I'll spend most of time there), Hong Kong, Shen Zhen, Hang Zhou. And we're looking for one more city to go. So excited!!!! I love love traveling. Even though I'm from China, but rural China or just other big cities in China are so different than Shanghai. So every time I visit a new city, it's like to visit a new country (similar to Europe). The people, their customs, beliefs, food, language could be so different that I wonder how difficult it must have been to unify China.
I promise that I'll take tons of pictures for you guys to meet the real modern China. And of course all those incredible FOOD!!!
Okay. Back to today's eats. Breakfast
I and The Boyfriend are still planning which part of China we're going. Up to now we've decided to go Shanghai (my hometown and where all my family live, so I'll spend most of time there), Hong Kong, Shen Zhen, Hang Zhou. And we're looking for one more city to go. So excited!!!! I love love traveling. Even though I'm from China, but rural China or just other big cities in China are so different than Shanghai. So every time I visit a new city, it's like to visit a new country (similar to Europe). The people, their customs, beliefs, food, language could be so different that I wonder how difficult it must have been to unify China.
I promise that I'll take tons of pictures for you guys to meet the real modern China. And of course all those incredible FOOD!!!
Okay. Back to today's eats. Breakfast
- 1/4 cup multigrain
- 1/4 cup oat bran
- 1/2 cup almond breeze
- 1/2 banana
- 1/2 apple
- 1/4 cup egg white
- vanilla
- 1 tbsp flax meal
- 1 tbsp wheat berries
- 2 tbsp cottage cheese
Dessert was 1 big spoon of PB.
I wasn't hungry after that muffin, so for dinner I had my favorite tortilla pizza topped with eggplant, mushroom, broccoli, sauce, mozzarella and tons of basil!!! (not by choice. I poured the entire bottle by accident. I did what I could to remove most of them, but still, it's too much basil). And some hummus on top.,
Dessert was another favorite: frozen strawberries + fage + wheat berries!!!
Hope you had a great Thursday.
Question: If you have to buy souvenirs in US for a non-american friend, what would you buy?
OOH I'd like to know how mcdonald's in china is too! your cupcake/muffins look marvelous!!
i can't wait to hear about all the new china info for us americans!! hehe!
the muffins look wonderful! totally jealous!
Looks like the muffins/cupcakes turned out awesome! I agree that muffins really should be cool to get the real texture, but sometimes I can't resist the impulse to sample right away!
Love all your eats from the day!
Your muffins look delicious, I love pumpkin in baked goods!
Hooray for baking during the week!! :)
The souvenirs question is tough! I might buy them chocolate, or something specific to the city I live in (I live near San Francisco), like a T-shirt or something... Or, I'd think about what they like and try to purchase an american version (like an american cookbook). Or I'd just ask them. :)
I came home at 12:30am and CAN'T help eat a whole huge muffin.....
my secrete guilty pleasure....after a long day of hard work!!!!!!!!!!!
btw, I'm here to certify that the muffin tastes soooooo gooooooood...mhmnnn
I always love your food!!! Especially dessert.
The muffins look divine :)
ooh the muffins look great!
Love all the baking!!
**as for souvenirs, I'd purchase some U.S. collectable coins or something.
Those muffins look marvelous! :D
And for souvenirs, I would probably want some US grocery store coupons :P Not sure if this preference would apply to your friend though? XD I guess t-shirts from the city you visited would be a good choice as well!
the souvenir question is hard. I guess I would give them something i know they couldnt get in their country. a t-shirt from the town you live in? the muffins look great by the way!
yay for midweek baking! Your muffins look delicious. My problem is that I can never wait until they are fully cooled!
As for souvenirs, when I go back to Japan, my relatives want American candy they don't have access to, like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and Twix bars. Also, certain clothing brands, and baking supplies like chocolate chips.I don't know what your friend is into, but sweets never fail to please!
I do cardio six days a week. But I'm a fanatic.
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