- worst day in term of eats since I began this blog
- no progress with research
- no workout (I tried to do yoga but I was so exhausted that I abandoned after 10 min)
- 9 hours of work at the library (although no evident progress, but at least I tried my best)
A tough day! :(
breakfast 6am ( I woke up at 4, waited until 6)
- 1/2 cup multigrain
- 1/2 cup almond breeze chocolate
- 1/2 chopped apple
- 2/3 cup frozen blueberries
- 1 tbsp flax meal+cinnamon
- 1/4 fage for topping
Dinner was sauteed romaine lettuce with mushroom, Tj's tortilla with laughing cow.
Hopefully tomorrow I can have more energy and reverse this situation a little bit.
Tomorrow's plan: spin at 7.15am, protocor final for 2 hours and then marathonic grading!!!!!!!!
Now, I need a good rest!! Never thought the word EXHAUSTED so many times a day!
oh....so glad to know that I'm not the only habit creative who stick to same things all the time. As Pearl says, it feels safe! ^_^
Yikes!! I'm praying that your day tomorrow is MUCH less exhausting - hang in there!!
those eats look good to me! but hope you get some rest and have a better day tomorrow :)
I hope you get some rest soon! I think your ricotta pudding looks good!
I think your eats look yummy! But I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough day - I hope tomorrow will be better for you and that the research goes well!
=( Sorry it was such a tough day...NINE hours! -_- doesn't sound fun!
ahhhh pretty girl i'm sorry that you had a less-than-stellar day... i hope it'll be better tomorrow! your eats always look so colorful and pretty, though :)
well i think your eats look great :] i'm sure tmw will be a better day!! and tell me if you got part of my surprise :] it says it got delivered to you this afternoon!!!! :D
Glad you are getting some rest. :) I'm not sure why those are the worst eats *ever*, but I'll take your word for it...! :)
i thought your eats looked great!
rest up babe! and i hear ya about cleaning out the fridge before leaving (i'm moving out). :D
I love laughing cow. And you can never go wrong with chocolate!
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