Good (1 point for each):
- A big surprise from Tiffie @Miss tiffie munches!!!! This definitely worth 2 full points!!!!
- Marathonic grading! I graded 69 final exams in 6 hours!!!
- Great spin class at 7.15am!
Okay, let me go to the detail of the big surprise! Actually the surprise came yesterday, but I wasn't at home so the ups man dropped off the package at the leasing office. I knew it was something from Tiffie, but I didn't know that it was going to be such a BIG package.
I couldn't wait longer and open the dark chocolate dream bottle for a big spoon!!!!
Today's eats was better than yesterday.. (don't expect nothing great either)
Breakfast (6am)
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1/2 cup soy milk
- 1 chopped apple
- 1 tbsp flax meal
- cinnamon + ginger powder
- 1/3 cup whole milk Tj's yogurt (Savannah didn't finish it and she left this morning to China, so I'll have to finish it somehow)
Duration: 51min
Average Heart Rate: 150
Maximum: 165
Calories burned: 313
Hold exam, grading at the library and back home.
Lunch was leftover veggie ricotta pudding again (last portion)
And more veggies on the side: frozen brussel sprouts and yellow squash.
This is so good!!!!!!!! Tortilla pizza is definitely my favorite new food this year!!!!! ^_^
Dessert: fage + frozen blueberries.
I guess everyone is busy going to holiday parties and/or shopping for gifts. Hope you enjoyed your day as much as I did.
WHOA! Your pizza looks so good! yayy for pizza thursday! What an awesome present! Can't wait for your review of all the flavors and to hear which one is your fav!
damn.....that is one SWEET blogger gift!!! how GREAT!
That is such a sweet gift, omg! I love it! I just read yesterday's post and I didn't think your eats were bad AT ALL! Silly coco. :)
That book I was reading is for social sciences so I doubt it would help you, but I'm sure they have something comparable for your discipline. Have a great night girl. :)
Wow, you lucky lucky girl! PB&Co. is AMAZING!! I love the blogging community :o)
i JUST bought the white chocolate PB today! it really does taste like white chocolate!
I love these blogger gift swaps! They make me so happy! We're a lucky bunch :) Great looking eats btw!
WoW!!!! What a great present. :D
that is such a GREAT present. enjoy it!
TERRIFIC package! My fave PB & Co is the Mighty Maple....hands down!
that is my favorite peanut butter ever!!! i never got to try white chocolate wonderful because they stopped selling it at the store. i hope that was in your package!!!
right now, i've been addicted to crunch time.
so nice gift and so good food!!!
That chocolate PB looks sooooo good!! :) What a great gift!!
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